Manifesto of the Forum of young paediatric surgeons Switzerland

  • Quality of Training: We promote good, up-to-date, evidence-based teaching (when to indicate what treatment, operative skills)
  • Lean Structures: Reduce unnecessary bureaucracy, minimize administrative work, focus on surgical training
  • Planability of training
    • Cooperation: We promote the implementation of training networks to improve and enhance training for aspirants in paediatric surgery.
    • Reliability: Training up to board certification should be reliable and predictable for trainees and paediatric surgical centres alike.
    • Transparency: We support transparent structures during training with a clear set of rules and obligations for trainers and trainees 
  • Work-Life balance
    • Having a satisfying private life is a corner stone of a long and successful career
    • We strongly encourage a work culture that supports trainees and their families, and which is based on equal opportunities for all aspiring paediatric surgeons irrespective of age or gender

• To provide an exchange and networking platform for young paediatric surgeons training and working in Switzerland
• To act as representative organ of young Swiss paediatric surgeons
• To promote transfer of knowledge, experience and know-how in paediatric surgery

How to participate?
Townhall meetings are held regularly (every 4-8 weeks) and anyone who is interested in our cause may join.
General assembly is held once a year at the Swiss paediatric surgery congress.

Who can be a member?
Anyone who supports our cause can become a member of the Forum of young paediatric surgeons Switzerland (ForKidS).

What are working groups?
In the ForKids working groups our longstanding supporters and members work together on important topics and projects for the ForKidS. Follow this Link to find out who is working on what at the moment.

How can I help?
Take part in our regular meetings and participate! If there is an area that you are specially interested in, find out whether a working group already exist and if not, find supporters and start one…

Who can I become a working group member?
The members of the working group are elected for a term of 1 year at the general assembly of the ForKidS. They can be renewed indefinitely until they leave the forum.

• Get in contact with other young paediatric surgeons in Switzerland
• Get in contact with other young paediatric surgeons abroad
• Represent your ideas/requests/concerns to the swiss board of paediatric surgeons
• Coordinate inititives by young paediatric surgeons in switzerland