
Ulrike Subotic (Präs.)
Cécile Balmer
Andreas Bartenstein
Natalie Divjak
Alexander Mack
Kathrin Neuhaus
Sabine Zundel
vakant /vacant

Die Arbeitsgruppe bestehend aus Chirurgen und Orthopäden wurde im Jahre 2003 gegründet. Die Gruppe trifft sich 4 mal jährlich, um Erfahrung aus den verschiedenen Zentren über die medizinische Versorgung verletzter Kinder weiterzugeben, um Fälle zu diskutieren und um Multizenterstudien zu erstellen. Der Zugang zur Gruppe steht allen Interessierten offen.

Anthony de Buys Roessingh

The SearCH group (Surgical Expertise Active for Rare Cases in CH) for hand malformations has organized two annual meetings at Berne or Zurich since 2010. This group is open to every surgeon or therapist interested in the field and so far, we have had mostly hand surgeons, pediatric surgeons and orthopedic surgeons participating. During previous meetings we have focussed on controversial problems in the treatment of children\’s hands, based on case presentations by participants. We found a vivid interest in such a discussion forum and are scheduling regular meetings twice a year.

Persons interested in the meetings may contact the organizers by email to be included in the mailing list for future invitations.